Bridging the gap between business and immersive reality

"Absolutely delighted how quick and easy immersive technologies were put into action!"
Bilyana Vasileva
Digital Marketing Lead Bayer Crop Science
"Exceedingly bountiful in the enlightenment of the future generation."
Nikolay Tzonev
Co-Founder Logiscool Bulgaria
"Forebears of an innovative architecture of understanding inside a virtual universe."
Ivan Velkov
Chairperson Interactive Bulgaria Foundation
"Absolutely delighted how quick and easy immersive technologies were put into action!"
Bilyana Vasileva
Digital Marketing Lead Bayer Crop Science
"Exceedingly bountiful in the enlightenment of the future generation."
Nikolay Tzonev
Co-Founder Logiscool Bulgaria
"Forebears of an innovative architecture of understanding inside a virtual universe."
Ivan Velkov
Chairperson Interactive Bulgaria Foundation
"Absolutely delighted how quick and easy immersive technologies were put into action!"
Bilyana Vasileva
Digital Marketing Lead Bayer Crop Science
"Exceedingly bountiful in the enlightenment of the future generation."
Nikolay Tzonev
Co-Founder Logiscool Bulgaria
"Forebears of an innovative architecture of understanding inside a virtual universe."
Ivan Velkov
Chairperson Interactive Bulgaria Foundation
"Exceedingly bountiful in the enlightenment of the future generation."
Nikolay Tzonev
Co-Founder Logiscool Bulgaria

How we transformed a mundane health and safety programme into a memorable experience

Steps we take to build capacity for implementation and realization of immersive technologies

#GiveBack: Preparing digital natives for the world of tomorrow

Reduced Payments maintenance and processing fees.

Say goodbye to bank fees.
Deposit funds easily, securely.
Get live support 24X7

Personal information is encrypted and protected

Say goodbye to bank fees.
Deposit funds easily, securely.
Get live support 24X7
Team Members
Total funding
Success stories

We are backed by top investors

Our investors have backed extraordinary businesses across multiple industries and helped them scale. Our most recent accelerator Space3ac brings top-class startups to Gdańsk, Poland, and supports their growth within the Polish market by linking them with B2B clients.

What makes us different?

We are experienced digital pioneers creating the user interface of the future, which is now in the palm of your hand.

VRtual space has the mission to enable hard-to-reach and obscure immersive experiences in augmented and virtual reality and make them accessible for every business or stakeholder with the need to digitalise fundamental processes. We promote the hassle-free adoption of innovative VR & AR technologies that don’t require expensive hardware. VRtual Space offers web-based solutions compatible with most devices or precise engineering simulations on the newest off-the-shelf headsets.
Building features that actually make a difference
Letting employees take active ownership over their work
No burn-out from back-breaking work

What we want to achieve

VRtual space conceptualises, produces and implements immersive and interactive AR and VR technology in order to give you a competitive advantage and help you “translate” the benefits of these revolutionary technologies into actual business objectives. By doing so we want to address digitalisation demands in areas such as education, HR, culture, marketing, and NGOs. However, we do not set any limits, because just as the virtual worlds are endless, so are the new business opportunities that arise every day.
Letting everyone hold the mic
Honest, open communication
Even about the hard things

What we value the most

At "VRtual Space" we value human-centered design and operate with care and respect for the future generations of digital natives who will use advanced instruments as a part of their lifestyle. Our key values are:
Spreading awareness & knowledge: Immersive solutions don't need to be a rocket science.
Providing inclusion & fairness: Virtual worlds ensure everyone can fit into the right place.
Working with precision & high quality: Projects will be completed and delivered no matter what.

Heading about the problem

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missed opportunity #1.
missed opportunity #2.
missed opportunity #3.

Heading about the solution

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis pretium nibh vitae sagittis volutpat. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Praesent rhoncus id sapien quis varius. Proin pharetra lectus nec metus rutrum scelerisque in in leo.

Launch you next project

Everything your team needs to know to win

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nec, fusce aliquam etiam. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nec, fusce aliquam  

View sample video here.

Everything your team needs to know to win

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nec, fusce aliquam etiam.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nec, fusce aliquam etiam.

View sample video here.

Everything your team needs to know to win

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nec, fusce aliquam etiam. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nec, fusce aliquam  

View sample video here.

The 4 step route to better finacial management. Smarter accounting for faster growth.

Manage Invoices
Scan invoices, automate data-entry and route approvals, effortlessly, automatically.
Track expenses
Scan invoices, automate data-entry and route approvals, effortlessly, automatically.
Send & get payments
Scan invoices, automate data-entry and route approvals, effortlessly, automatically.
Analyze cashflow
Scan invoices, automate data-entry and route approvals, effortlessly, automatically.
Our simple process in only 4 steps
Get a quote
Step #1
Automate recurring invoices and save time by using pre-built templates. Get paid on time.
Step #2
Snap and categorize receipts in seconds and link your bank account.
Step #3
Set up payroll and bonuses for all your employees, and never be late on salaries.
Step #4
Get real-time visibility into every expense and payment, with a neat dashboard.

Why VRtual Space?

Duis pretium nibh vitae sagittis volutpat. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
What we can offer:
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Other companies
What they can't offer:
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Well VRtual Space, I really want to transform my organisation.

“Working with VRtual Space has been a breeze from start to finish.”
Rated 5/5 - from over 40 reviews
Unreal Engine
Industry agnostic
Cutting-edge technologies
Accessibility for every business
Agile methodology
Transparency and ongoing review
Industry agnostic
Cutting-edge technologies
Accessibility for every business
Agile methodologyam.
Transparency and ongoing review

Let's do it! We are ready for an immersive transformation!

If you have an awesome idea but no clue where to start and want to learn more about the implementation of immersive reality, let's chat!

Fill the form below

We will response you with in next 24 hrs

Frequently asked questions

Question 1 ?
Sed varius sem nec urna suscipit dapibus. Aliquam vitae scelerisque ante. Sed sit amet consequat erat. Mauris dignissim nisi eget sem cursus, in interdum arcu varius. Maecenas quis consectetur risus.
Question 2?
Sed varius sem nec urna suscipit dapibus. Aliquam vitae scelerisque ante. Sed sit amet consequat erat. Mauris dignissim nisi eget sem cursus, in interdum arcu varius. Maecenas quis consectetur risus.
Question 3?
Sed varius sem nec urna suscipit dapibus. Aliquam vitae scelerisque ante. Sed sit amet consequat erat. Mauris dignissim nisi eget sem cursus, in interdum arcu varius. Maecenas quis consectetur risus.
Question 4?
Sed varius sem nec urna suscipit dapibus. Aliquam vitae scelerisque ante. Sed sit amet consequat erat. Mauris dignissim nisi eget sem cursus, in interdum arcu varius. Maecenas quis consectetur risus.
Question 5?
Sed varius sem nec urna suscipit dapibus. Aliquam vitae scelerisque ante. Sed sit amet consequat erat. Mauris dignissim nisi eget sem cursus, in interdum arcu varius. Maecenas quis consectetur risus.